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Feb. 23, 2015

What Twinkies Can Teach You About Resiliency

What Twinkies Can Teach You About Resiliency

Lessons from "The Sweetest Comeback in the History of Ever"


Have you made a mistake recently?  Ever?  Have you bounced back or made a comeback from that mistake whether it was a little one of a life altering mistake?  We all make mistakes, but we can still succeed as long as we know how to make a comeback. While snack cakes may not have all the answers to life’s riddles, the humble Twinkie certainly knows how to pick itself up and start over.  Let me share what Twinkies can teach you about resiliency! - CLICK & LISTEN then LIKE & SHARE!

Your Success At Last DNA | Personal Development in the Spirit of Tony Robbins, Napolean Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Jillian Michaels, Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar

Think Successfully & Take Action!
Tracy "Ace" Brinkmann