Use Your Penta'tude To Bring Your Goals, Dreams and Desires Into Reality
Did you know that you have within you your own personal pentagon? Built for your protection and success and no it’s not just about positive thinking!
Yep, you see, in 1941 Major General Hugh ‘Pat’ Casey designed the Pentagon in only three days. Construction began thirty days later and sixteen months after that on January 15, 1943 this now world famous office building was completed. The Pentagon is the headquarters for the United States Department of Defense and the nerve center for command and control dedicated to protecting the US national interests.
But LONG before that we, as a species, had built within each and every one of us our own personal Pentagon of sorts (yes even within YOU!). This Pentagon, or Penta’tude as I have come to call it, has a direct impact on your protection, growth and success.
The walls of your penta’tude affect your goals & objectives, they determine if and how you focus on your goals for personal development and they even impact how to have a positive attitude. What are they? Well your penta’tude is made up of these five ‘tudes: Multitude, Magnitude, Latitude, Attitude and Gratitude.
CLICK and LISTEN to how you can use your Pente’tude for making goals, dreams and desires come into your reality.
Think Successfully & Take Action!
Tracy Brinkmann