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Jan. 14, 2015

Are You Dooming Yourself To Failure

Are You Dooming Yourself To Failure

Watch Out For These Signs Of Self Guided Failure


Much of our happiness and success is the result of our thinking. So, too, are our failures. And our thoughts are revealed in how we speak to ourselves as well as others. What you say to yourself during the course of the day largely determines the outcome. Like an evil mist, negative thinking has an insidious way of weaving its wispy tendrils into our thoughts and words. Over time, it becomes a habit – so much so that you might not even notice it. But you can’t help but notice the result: failure, time and time again. The solution is to develop new habits in your thinking so lets chat a bit about what signs to watch for and how to overcome them. - CLICK & LISTEN then LIKE & SHARE!

Your Success At Last DNA | Personal Development in the Spirit of Tony Robbins, Napolean Hill, Robert Kiyosaki, Jillian Michaels, Jack Canfield, Brian Tracy, Jim Rohn and Zig Ziglar

Think Successfully & Take Action!
Tracy "Ace" Brinkmann